Friday, November 22, 2013

Film Theory and Criticism

"Film as dream, film as music. No art passes our conscience in the way film does, and goes directly to our feelings, deep down into the dark rooms of our souls." 
-Ingmar Bergman

                  Film criticism is how we express our understanding about the film we've showed. Film criticism helps us to understand the film better. Film criticism is how we analyze the film such as the technical side and mise en scène. Based on what i read from a dictionary mise en scène came from a french word means arrangement of scenery and properties to represent the place where a play or movie is enacted.



Feminist theory is showed that the power of women over men. Back then the superior in our society is men than women but now feminist showed to us the strength of women than men. According to Melanie Lord, Anthony Greiter and Zulfo Tursunovic "Feminist theory is an outgrowth of the general movement to empower women worldwide. Feminism can be defined as a recognition and critique of male supremacy combined with efforts to change it."


Gender Studies focuses in gender identity. Gender Studies talks about of women, men, lesbian, homosexual and transgender.  According to Whitman College 
"Gender studies uses the concept of gender to analyze a wide range of disciplines."


Performance theory focuses in the character of a person and this theory talks about the daily movement of individual. Performance Theory tackles about the performance of people in our daily lives. But in the industry of film performance theory tackles about the performance of people on stage.


According to Tony McKibbin "What we want to do here in discussing the nature of spectatorship is look not at how viewers respond to a film statistically and scientifically, but instead at how the viewer is involved, implicated and engaged in the viewing experience." It only says that spectatorship theory is talks about when they watched a film there's is something a big question in their mind. 


Ethnic Theory talks about the difference of each races in our society. Ethnic theory focuses of the different of skin color, different culture, different religion and different languages.


Based on the dictionary auteur theory is a view of film maker in which the director is considered the primary creative force in a motion picture. It only says  that whatever the reaction of the viewers still the director vision is prevailing.

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