Friday, December 13, 2013

A Film Review


The Matrix is one of the popular movie in 1999. The Matrix is directed by Andy Wachowski and Lana Wachowski. The main characters in this movie are Thomas Anderson or also known as Neo (Keanu Reeves), Trinity (Carrie-Anne Moss) and Morpheus (Laurence Fishburne). The story is all about the nature of reality then it ends up with a blast of fiction stories.This movie is entertaining and yet confusing because if you analyze the whole story it tackled about the reality of life. Another is, in the beginning of the movie they shown the untold story of why Neo is the one they need, you must watch the whole movie to understand the story. It’s entertaining because when this movie was made it has a heavy special effects and they uses an advance technology that doesn't seen before. 

There was a computer programmer at day and at the same time a hacker at night named Thomas Edison also known as Neo. He sits alone at home while staring on his monitor suddenly he received a mysterious message from a mysterious woman named Trinity.
Trinity told to Neo to follow the white rabbit to show the direction to the place they met. After that Neo follow the white rabbit and finally they meet each other and Trinity introduces to Neo the character he has supposed to be and she lead Neo to the Matrix. And after that Neo met Morpheus a messiah of sorts. Morpheus told to Neo the truth about his world through shedding light on the dark secrets and Morpheus told to Neo that he is the one of prophecy. 

The Matrix is a computer based system which uses of artificial intelligence to wake up the individual's mind which makes them believe that is the real world not the normal one. 

There’s a scene that Morpheus told to Neo that this is your last chance and Neo must choose. At the first Neo doesn’t convinced that is the real world he will fight for. If Neo choose the blue pill the story will ends but if he choose the red pill he stay in wonderland. And finally Neo decided that he will stay to the wonderland and face the world of Matrix.
And at the last part of the movie Neo save the life of Morpheus against to Agent Smith but Neo got a critical condition. Trinity helps Neo in that fight she coached Neo that he can do it and when Neo came to the normal world Trinity gave Neo a kiss because he came back from the fight against to Agent Smith.

The Matrix

The blue pill or the red pill

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